Cassie’s Fight

Bam! Lillian throws a punch and it hits Cassie right in the face. “ I’m down on the ground trying to get back up but everything is blurry, I can’t really see.” Cassie finally gets back up. Lillian still shocked that she hit Cassie. “ You set me up… you an’t a friend you an enemy!” Lillian tries to hit Cassie again, but Cassie throws a big, hard punch to the face and takes her books and stats running. Cassie looks back to see the beat body knocked out on the bridge. “ Why, why did a do that?” my mind was spinning as I close the door behind me ran up into my room feeling really bad. She was so mad, that she didn’t want to go to school. But she didn’t want to see Lilian because she will feel guilt.

Cassie woke up this morning feeling weird. She got no sleep, just crying the whole night hoping her dad would not hear her. Cassie was a little worried of how the day could go today. But when she got to school Lillian was not to be found. Cassie had two classes with Lillian but she was not there. Cassie was thinking maybe she took the day off because of her face. I sat down to the second seat to the right of the room and there was a empty seat to the right of me. I started to feel bad once I looked at the seat. As I put my hands over my face.

“ Cassie?  Are you ok?” That was James voice. I knew his voice. “ um… I’m fine” I gladly say sarcastically.

“Well, do you know where Lillian is?” In my head the memories were coming back at the bridge.

“ um… I don’t actually know.” I lied. “ Well, have the rest of the day be good!” I look up knowing that he needs to get  his words right.

“ Ok, class we will start reading” Lillian walks into the door looking kinda scared. She was about 5 minutes late but nobody cared because all they saw was a big bump on her head.

“ wow what happen?” kids in the class started saying. Then she gave me a dirty look. She sits on that seat that was to the right of me. I look at my book trying not to get attention. After, the bell rang I go talk to Lillian.

“Are you ok?” A big pause took place. “ Yeah just a big bump on my face” she says sarcastically. “ Well, I just wanted to say sorry for what happen yesterday.” “It’s fine it was my fault.” I disagree in my head. I was kinda surprised that she wasn’t that mad at me. “Um… would you like to go get a shake at Jack’s burger place?”  I know she wanted to be friends and I wanted to be friends to. So I said yeah, and after 6th period we went. It was fun having a new best friend.        


The 13th Reality!

In The 13th reality The main charter is Tick, that’s what his family calls him. This kid has really hard times with school and kids keep bulling and making fun of him. Tick gets sent some letters from a unknown person know as “M.G.” and he has been getting letters from M.G. and those letters been telling tick clues to find out what the magic words are and has to say the words on a certain date. Will he be able to find the missing words?